以Part 1为例,无论话题是study,cooking,还是city, 都有可能会问到“Do you like it?”。这类问题看似简单易懂,但实际情况却是,不少同学回答完“Yes / No”以后就不知道如何继续下去了。因此,解决以下问题很关键:How to expand your answer?
我们就来看一个很基础的问题:“Do you like cooking?”。上口语课时,我惊讶地发现很多同学的回答竟如出一辙:“Yes, I like cooking because it’s interesting.” 同学们,你们可以想像,这样的回答在考官眼里多么boring。难道真的没有其他表达了吗?其实很多时候,你们缺乏的是idea而非language。要拓展你的答题思路,你需要做到三点:Explain(解释), Specify(具体化), Rephrase(改述)。
首先,You can always explain your idea. 我们不是说interesting不好,而是你需要解释“Why is it interesting?”为什么做饭有趣呢?比方说,“我热衷于让食物看起来很美味。I enjoy making food look tasty.”,“我可以按照自己的想法造菜肴。I can create new dishes based on my own idea.”,“别人喜欢吃我烧的菜让我很开心。I feel pleasant when others like eating my dishes.” 这几句话的用词和表达应该是大多数同学能够掌握的吧?虽然不那么“高大上” ,但却使你的答案有了内容,比罗列一排干巴巴的形容词奏效多了。
其次,You’d better further specify your explanation. 就以上一段的三句话为例,完全可以再往具体了说,具体化简单的方法就是give examples。比方说,“I enjoy making food look tasty. For example, when I’m making soup, I often put some spring onions in it to add a green color.”, “I can create new dishes based on my own idea. Taking egg as an example, Chinese people usually fry or boil egg, but once I tried mixing egg and fruit to make a dessert and it was a success!”, “I feel pleasant when others like eating my dishes. I remember one time I asked some friends to taste a banana cake I made. Everyone said the cake was delicious, which encouraged me a lot. Since then, I have been even more keen on cooking.” 加上了例子,答案是不是又丰富许多呢?而且这些例子中的表达真心不算难吧?
后,You can rephrase the same idea to make different expressions. 雅思口语考试中很注重persity(表达多样性),即使你没有新的想法,变换词汇和句型也未尝不是个好的选择。比如“喜欢做饭”的表达就只有“I like cooking”一种吗?当然不是!“Cooking brings me a lot of fun.”, “When I’m free, cooking would be one of my first choices to relax.”, “I can get a feeling of joy and pleasure from cooking.”这些句子虽然没有直接提到“喜欢”这个词,但哪一句不是表达出了喜欢的意思呢?所以说积累一些近义词和短语是很有帮助的。
附“Do you like cooking?”范例答案:
Yes, I definitely do. Cooking brings me a lot of fun. I enjoy making food look tasty. For example, when I’m make soup, I often put some spring onions in it to add a green color. Once I asked some friends to taste the soup I made. All of them said they liked it, which really encouraged me. From cooking, i can get a feeling of joy and pleasure. So when I’m free, cooking would be one of my first choices to relax.
在雅思口语考中,让考生们对比两种事物或情景似乎是考官们的“心头好”。不管是在Part 1或是Part 3, 这样的问题比比皆是。
说到底,对比类问题的实质其实是Make comparison。当你在考场中听到考官抛出的问题里含有“differences”, “prefer”, “which…”, “changes”, “advantages and disadvantages”等词汇,一定要敏感地捕捉到考官问的是对比类问题了,此时,回答对比类问题的“特技”要甩出来了。
两者进行比较时,使用比较算是基本的“特技”了,比如eating at home is cheaper than eating out. 这种入门的技巧只要分清楚什么样的形容词直接在单词后面加上-er或是-ier, 而什么样的形容词要在前面加上more行了。
1. Eating at home is far cheaper than eating out.
2. Travelling with others is a lot more fun than traveling on your own.
3. Going to a concert live is way more exciting than watching one on TV.
4. The pace of life in cities is quite a lot faster than the countryside.
5. Life in the countryside is quite a bit more laid-back than life in the city.
6. Swimming in the sea is considerably more dangerous than swimming in a pool.
标注出来的词汇是用来表示比较的程度,除了我们常见的表达“much”, 这些用法能让你的雅思口语脱颖而出!而如果两者对比的效果不是很强烈,我们可以用到以下的表达:
1. Studying with others is a bit more enjoyable than studying on your own.
2. Traveling by coach is slightly more expensive than traveling by train.
3. Newspapers are relatively more informative than magazines.
4. Photos of people are generally a bit more interesting to look at than photos of scenery.
从以上的例子我们可以看出副词的之处了。用slightly, relatively这样的副词来表示轻微的对比也正是体现了口语表达讲究细节化,具体化!另外,如果大厌倦了经常用”more”来进行比较,我们还可以尝去用”less”来替换,增强表达的多样性,比如下面的四个例句:
1. Watching a concert at home is a lot less fun than going to one live.
2. Life is the countryside is generally less stressful than life in the city.
3. Watching a concert at home isn’t as fun as watching it on TV.
4. Mobile phones are generally not as expensive as they used to be.
例:Some people are very traditional in China / Women are more sensitive. 但学生们总是People/person傻傻分不清,不由分说地用上many people is / Men is…?
It will be easier(more easier to×) / better to do( more better×)…; It will be more difficult to do…; The production in the USA is higher than China ×/ The production in the USA is higher than that in China
foreign(adj.) / foreigner(n.) => Peter is a foreigner / I like to watch foreign films( foreigner programs×) ; To communicate(v.) / communication(n.) =>The cell phone is a great tool to communicate (communication×); The cell phone is a great tool for communication; Parents find it difficult to communicate with their children.
Germany / German and France / French => He’s from France / He is French.
在一句话中,动词有且只有一个或者你可用连词连接句式及非谓语进行转换:It could be happen ×/ It could happen; There are many people believe in him× / There are many people who believe in him
I always play piano at midnight× / I often play the football on the campus×; I always play the piano at midnight/ I often play football on the campus
I will go to there× / I will go there; I have friends in there×/ I have friends in Shanghai ;I have friends there
地道表达方法9—— “fun”和“funny”的使用是有差异的
Basketball is fun / It’s a funny story “funny”是指make you laugh or smile而不是指乐趣;fun才是指interesting。
地道表达方法10—— Interesting / interested
boring / bored前者是令人…,后者是感到… =>The teacher is boring. I feel bored