2023-08-02 03:03:03 | 手快留学网
随着国内各地疫情的变化,现在很多城市的试验场也在变化。 今天我们一起看看吧。 然后,就同学们担心的转学考试问题进行解答。
01目前国内有哪些考点中止了考试? 截至目前,国内以下雅思考点已下发通知暂停3、4月部分考试。
3月部分雅思纸笔试合格者名单3月雅思纸笔试合格者名单4月雅思纸笔试合格者名单4月雅思纸笔试合格者名单02官宣前自己转/退考试怎么办? 根据雅思政府政策,学生主动退考,将因疫情被取消考试,考试费可再次联系相关工作人员申请退还。
03因为疫情不能去考试,可以申请退考吗? 如果考生本人因为新冠灾祸而不能按时参加考试,这种情况该怎么办? 一般来说,如果学生报考的地方(如深圳)宣布停止考试,考试费用会自动退回个人账户。 如果有人自己参加了考试,就可以申请退款。
以上两种情况一般建议学生按照复试流程操作! 04怎么退还考试费? 官方退款政策说明:报名考点取消考试后,考试费将自动返回官网报名的NEEA个人账户,不需要其他额外操作(银行卡取现除外)。
邮箱: ielts@mail.neea.edu.cn热线拨打官方呼叫,接通人工呼叫后说明申请回叫的原因,并按照回叫指示,提供所需的证书信息即可。
在备考的同时防护措施也很到位,希望大家能顺利涂鸦,一举成功! 手快留学网
1. More is less. A very common mistake is to answer in more words than instructed. If the task says "Not more than 3 words", answering in 4 or more words will definitely cost marks.
2. Less is less. The length of a written task is crucial. When instructions mention a minimal number of words (250 for essay, 150 for report or letter), it means that any work shorter than required will be penalized.
3. Longer essay doesn't mean better mark. Another common misconception is that longer essays score better in IELTS. Not only is this a myth, but also a dangerous one. Writing a long essay can indirectly cost marks, because the chances of making mistakes increase with the number of words and sentences.
4. Changing the subject is unacceptable. Every so often a student is asked to write on topic, that he doesn't understand. To avoid the disaster of missing a whole task they decide to write on a slightly – or entirely - different topic. The sad fact is that no matter how beautiful the submitted work is, the wrong topic means zero score. Another similar pitfall is to omit parts of the given topic or ignore the guidelines in your work. Every point the topic refers to needs to be covered because the examiners will be actually counting them.
5. Good memory can get you in trouble. Having seen that the topics sometimes repeat, "smart" students with good memory decide to memorize essays. This is a terrible mistake to make because the examiners are trained to look for memorized essays and have firm instructions to disqualify such works on the spot.
6. Accent is not important. Pronunciation is.! IELTS, being a test for non-native English speakers can't penalize people for having an accent. The problem here is that not everyone knows the difference between speaking with an accent and mispronouncing the words. No matter how strong of an accent a person has, the words are to be pronounced correctly or it will cost marks.
7. It is not the ideas that are important, but the way they are described in. Many students think that expressing the wrong ideas (whether it is in essay, letter or discussion) can harm their score. The truth is that no idea can be wrong and the ideas are not important on their own, it is the way they are expressed in that important.
8. Connective words: the more is not always the better. Smart students know that one of the essay marking criteria are coherence and cohesion, and what better way is there to demonstrate cohesion than to use lots of connective words, right? Wrong. Overuse of connective words is a know problem, which is easily recognized and penalized by the examiners.
A word of advice: to stay out of trouble, it is equally important to be aware of the pitfalls and to practice enough before the exam. Being familiar with the structure and the procedure of the test will build up confidence and that will reflect in your score.
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